Golden Valley offers this education for free and does not discriminate on admissions – we are open to all students. However, it will be families like yours that help us keep our doors open. Our teachers are amazing and bring Waldorf education to the Sacramento region with commitment and excellence. In distance learning we have done our best to meet the needs of our young students during the pandemic. This year teachers and staff have worked hard making the resources available to keep everyone safe but also keep our sense of wonder and beauty.
Here at the Golden Valley, we provide an education that enhances kindness, creativity, respect, and meets the child at their developmental level. We teach the whole child. A public Waldorf education receives state funding, but it only covers a portion of the expenses. We rely on family and community business partners to bridge the gap. When you donate to our Annual Giving Campaign you are helping to purchase high quality art supplies for each child, pay for the specialty teachers such as handwork, fine arts, and games, and Waldorf training for our teachers.
$25 a month supports the supplies for one child
$150 a month supports our Specialty teachers
$200 a month supports the whole child education
Tax ID: GVCS for Education Renewal 260209835
All recurring monthly donations will continue until canceled by donor.
Questions: email or call 916 597 1034