Severity: Warning
Message: session_start(): Cannot find save handler 'redis' - session startup failed
Filename: controllers/system.php
Line Number: 43
To the Golden Valley Charter Schools community, sharing a Public Waldorf Education since 1999 in Sacramento County. This year we are offering two K-8 chartered schools supported by a central office which is chartered through the San Juan School District. We trace our roots back to the first Waldorf School which opened in 1919 to serve the children of working families in Germany. Today, the Waldorf movement is the fastest growing educational movement in the world.
What makes Golden Valley Charter Schools special is students are met with a developmentally appropriate curriculum that takes into account where they are in their own lives. Our teachers are specially trained to integrate the arts and sciences into an experience that is meaningful. We cultivate excellence while we bring joy to learning. Most importantly, we are the guardians of childhood and we honor our students with reverence and love.
Public charter education is free and serves all students who apply through an open lottery. While our programs are popular, we do have openings. Please explore our website, sign up for a parent information meeting, and inquire about Golden Valley Charter Schools for your child. If you are already a member of the community, we invite your frequent engagement through festivals, drama, field trips, concerts, parent enrichment, online resources, and sporting events.
Caleb J. Buckley, EdD
Executive Director
Golden Valley Charter Schools